Thursday 7 July 2011

OnLive spremeni login zaslon

Z najnovejšo nadgradnjo je OnLive spremenil login zaslon za storitev, razen tega ni razvidnih sprememb, kljub temu da nekateri uporabniki poročajo o boljši kvaliteti slike, ampak to je lahko subjektivno. Prazen prostor na spodnjem delu je najbrž zaradi pomembnih novic OnLive storitve in zaradi koherentnega videza okna, zaradi zaslona za dobrodošlico za nove člane in zaslona za zastonj registracijo.

Novi login zaslon

Kreacija novih računov je tudi bila integrirana v novi login zaslon, tako da se uporabniki več ne rabijo registrirati na onlive-ovi spletni strani. To je najverjetneje zaradi bližnjega začetka delovanja onlive-a na TV-jih, tabličnih računalnikih, Blu-Ray predvajalnikih in drugih napravah, to bo naredilo onlive storitev še bolj dostopno. Najbrž ima ta sprememba tudi nekaj veze s tem da so se uporabniki MikroKonzole pritoževali zaradi tega da morajo uporabiti PC da se registrirajo za OnLive.

Ustvari nov račun zaslon

Zaslon za dobrodošlico za nove člane

Več @OnLiveFans.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Xbox in PS3 se ne moreta primerjati po vrednosti pravi Joe Bentley

V intervjuju za CVG OnLive-ov VP inženiringa Joe Bentley  govori o OnLive-u na tabličnih računalnikih in možnosti onlive-a na konzolah. Govori tudi o apple-ovi usmeritvi v oblak in njunem razmerju. Govori o onlive-u in nintendu. Govori o odnosih z razvijalci in pravi da onlive ponuja razvijalcem boljšo vrednost kot Sony, Microsoft in Nintendo. Evaluira onlive-ove modele plačila in govori o rastoči hitrosti širokopasovnih povezav. OnLive-ovi investitorji vključujejo AT&T in BT.

Joe Bentley

Tu je intervju v angleščini:

Up until a few years ago, the combination of gaming and Clouds was a rarity - except, perhaps, for the discovery of Yoshi shapes floating about in the sky.

Now it's big business. First up is Gaikai, the streaming gaming service from Shiny Games founder Dave Perry that allows online ads to become full gameplay experiences - an idea that giant retailer WalMart is obviously keen on.

Then there's OnLive. Built on the dream of allowing gamers to play anywhere - any title on any screen in any location - the service is already having a rip-roaring 2011. With Silicon Valley millions in the bank, and the major publishers such as EA and Warner Bros on board, the future looks bright.

Ahead of its BT-endorsed UK launch in the autumn, the firm has unveiled its new controller, which allows for instantaneous gaming on nearly any modern mobile device or TV whilst bypassing the need for a console.

Perhaps even more potential has been unlocked by the recent explosion in the tablet market - with the likes of Apple's iPad placing a decent-size portable screen in the rucksacks and handbags of millions of would-be players.

Forget Wii U: fancy playing the hottest new RPG at home 'til bedtime, then levelling up a little more on the train to work in the morning? That's the dream - and OnLive swears it's not far off.

The biggest problem in its path is latency, and the unimpressive average broadband speed suffered by great swathes of gaming's biggest markets. However, as OnLive VP of engineering Joe Bentley explains in our interview below, the company is confident that won't be an issue for much longer - and that both consumers and developers will reap financial benefits...

Playing games on tablets is nothing new - why are you so excited?
Really OnLive is the only game platform that allows you to play on all devices. We've always talked about "OnLive everywhere" and it's finally becoming a reality.

A lot of these tablets have surround sound, they've got bluetooth headsets with voice chat, so it's like my own little mini living room. I'm playing Borderlands here and there's no compromises. I get to play on something that was designed to be played on, I can put this in my lap and play at work, school or a coffee shop. It's uncompromised gaming to go. At home I can plug it into my TV and its the same experience.

It's great because now our publishing partners have come full circle. They were really sceptical at the beginning of last year, and nobody believed us two years ago. But it's fun because everyone is getting behind OnLive now and building innovative, beautiful games that simply can't be played on tablets or even cell phones. Some of these games don't even run on consoles.

It's fascinating now because the industry is really getting its head around the fact that they can grow their market. Imagine you get kicked out the living room. Now you can take your iPad to the couch and play while the kids are watching cartoons or whatever. You could put two friends in a coffee shop and they could play against each other, instead of split-screen they could each have a tablet.

What does this mean for the very concept of what a games console is - and if Sony of Microsoft invited you to have a presence on their online service would you agree?
Absolutely, they would make great consoles. Our controller is a hybrid between a PS3 controller and an Xbox controller. It's all compatible, it would just work. There are OnLive guys chatting [Sony and MS], but we'll see where it goes. But it would absolutely work, we're ready to work with everybody.

What people are realising and waking up to is everything could be a console, why shouldn't you be able to take your game everywhere. I think the timing of this is perfect. When I joined the company I didn't think it was going to pan out this way.

I give lectures at university and I tell people that finally the internet has grown to be fast enough, and that it's really the age of the SOC; the System-On Chips that you find in the iPad, the snapdragon. They're making these magical smartphones and tablets take off in a huge way.

It makes you use your imagination: what would you do with faster Internet and these SOCs in TVs? It will soon be in everything up to refrigerators. This is what we came up with - turning everything into a console, not taking compromised gaming like Zynga or whatever but fully-fledged gaming with you.
It has to be instant, because the reality is we have a very short amount of time. The reason mobile gaming has taken off is because you can occupy your time at the bus stop or whatever. The limitations of those games, though, are that the entertainment only goes so far. Why compromise that experience?

LA Noire is a fabulous, wonderful story and you could sit there for weeks exploring it in different ways. Why not be able to take that with you and continue the story? It's like a good book.

Apple has announced a cloud service too, of course - which it revealed in the week you showed off your controller at E3...
Yeah. It was bizarre. Apple does great products as well. Coincidentally, Dick Silverman is my VP of system engineering, he's the guy that designed the OnLive controller, the game module and also Apple TV. That's why we have this great design.

It's a blast to watch people come full circle and see them say "yes this vision actually works". When I joined OnLive, there were only 14 people here. At the time, it was Crysis running on this little crappy laptop. I was sitting across the table from Tom Paquin, who is VP of industry for Netscape and is our CTO, and Rob McCool, who wrote Apache. They handed it over to me and said to play it. My head began to spin at the possibilities.

You seem pretty invigorated by the disruption you're about to cause...
(Laughs) It's a blast. Reggie from Nintendo was at E3 getting filmed by Bloomberg near our stand and it was for the Wii U. I mean... Ah, I loved it.

How far ahead do you think you are already, compared to what Nintendo has coming?
I haven't really had a chance to take a look at what they've got. The thing is that we keep dreaming these things up, we're not cdn.static. We've got a bunch of things, prototypes in the works.

Right now, you can have two people on two different tablets playing the same Lego Harry Potter or Lego Batman. Here's one we've demoed before: our CEO Steve is always on the road and a huge baseball fan. At E3, Steve was talking to his son playing MLB and was like: "Okay let me show you how to do that." They switched control, which we call game swap. So he's in control showing his son what to do over voice chat and then they swap back, going back and forth.

Gaming is social, and co-op is the best - but it should also be the best when you're not in the same living room. These are kind of accidental discoveries but once we get the kinks worked out, every four weeks or so the future is coming down.

Are developers excited about you cutting out the middle man when getting a game to its audience?
I can't really go into details, I was at Penny-Arcade the day Randy Pitchford announced they were doing Duke and we happen to have a dinner booked with them that night. So here it was number one on Twitter that day, New York Times and he was super giddy. He started his career working on that title and was super stoked, Randy is one of the most creative people in the industry, he gets gaming, he lives and breathes it and really couldn't care less about the business side of it, he really doesn't want to have to deal with it, it's like a necessity just to get a paycheque.

What I like to be able to do is to ask whether we can create a platform where developers can focus on what they're really good at and help them do new different things. One of the things is our UI, which is actually built on a game engine part of the SDK, live feeds can come in and clips, all of which can be used in game design.

Do you think you offer developers better value than the current platform holders?
We absolutely know we do already. The others can't match us for value. In a retail model you take a $60 title, the retailed gets a cut, you have to play Xbox, Sony, Nintendo, everybody kind of gets a cut out of it. Then you face the problem of second-hand sales and piracy.

There's no piracy here or second hand sales with OnLive. Our games are already on digital distribution prices so run about $10 cheaper than retail, so we already have the advantage of a discount. I can't go into specifics on the cuts and margins but studios are still making a better deal off us...

... than with Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo?

Yes. It was really [UK studio Rebellion's] Chris Kingsley that keyed me on to this. We were in Oxford last year and he said: "You have the ultimate economic marketplace here that lets you adjust the model and find the right price point." If a guy's got to have Duke Nukem on launch, if he wants to pay $50, he can. But if he doesn't have the money and is the kind of guy that likes to get a lot of titles for cheap, we have the Play Pack all-you-can-eat buffet model.

If you watch game sales, a lot of them drop off after two months. Then publishers start throwing in DLC to keep it going. This week we have Homefront coming into the Play Pack, a game that is only two months old, a top tier multiplayer title. Why is that happening? Because as the game curve comes off the top of the Play Pack you realise you can get a longer lead by finding that other type of shopper who would normally go to the used bargain bin - or second hand bin - where you would get no cut of of it. The way we divide that up is game developers get paid depending on usage, the higher used games in the Play Pack get the most out of that cut.

Can you explain how you offer value to consumers long-term through your payment models when they can go to a retailer and buy a game for a one off fee?
We have a lot of different price points, sales and rentals. There's this idea of ownership. I recently moved and got rid of all my vinyl records and am debating whether I should do that with my CDs next. The physical good is no longer that important to me as long as I have access to go back periodically. Each medium is different: with music I want to go back and have my kids listen to The Rolling Stones or The Beatles in the same way my parents did for me. But games are played intensely for two to four months and then we maybe go back to refresh our memories when a new version is coming out.

OnLive has price points such as subscriptions, rentals, Play Packs and the Play Pass, which is like ownership. The prices are so affordable and every game has a free demo too. I'm also convinced the Play Pack will continue to grow. Maybe it will all go that way, it might be thousands of titles all available for a flat fee.

It's hard for game publishers to get their head around this because it's scary for them. They don't know whether they're going to make or lose money and they're responsible to the Wall Street markets and the bottom line. But I think for the consumer its just about getting over the fact that you don't have the media in your hands.

There's a fear that only the people with the fastest broadband speeds will be able to enjoy the experience properly which other will suffer lag and where are we in terms of mainstream broadband versus what OnLive requires?
It's growing like crazy. Our three largest investors are the three largest carriers in the world including AT&T and BT. These carriers understand their growth and how they're building out their networks. Since they're investors in OnLive they have an interest in making sure this product is successful.

We have discussions with their business guys and networking team, helping them to understand our traffic, how its changing. The reason why they're investing is because the world is demanding more and more bandwidth, in the mobile market and 4G. People want to do things like watch films, play games... what the carriers have to do is figure out if they're going to put new fibre into the ground, how can they monetise it and get a return on the investment.

This is why they make investments in companies like OnLive - because they may be able to provide a bundle adding the service when a user upgrades to a 10MB connection or whatever it is, that will help supplement the cost of putting the fibre down. They realise they have to build faster networks. There are a tremendous number of households in the UK and US that have the bandwith today and it's only growing.

The network is getting better and the latency is getting lower. The latency is phenomenal in the UK by the way. We were at Rebellion and had a ping time of nine milliseconds - we were asking ourselves how that was even possible. It was the fastest network we've ever seen.

As people see more forms of entertainment like Love Film, OnLive and iCloud they're going to go their carriers and ask for [faster broadband]. You can't always build for what people have today, you have to think about what people might have four or five years from now.

We don't need to have 25 million users tomorrow. A year from now it's what we'd like - but what is the internet going to look like then? None of us know.


Capcom sklene pogodbo z Gaikai-em

Po EA-ju je Gaizilla zabeležila novo zmago. Igre od Capcom-a bodo prišle na Gaikai-ovo omrežje in bodo tudi na voljo za igranje prek založnikovih spletnih strani. Ta posel velja samo za ZDA.

Gaizillin senior VP interaktivne zabave Robert Stevenson pravi: "Capcom producira nekaj edinstvenih franšiz v industriji, ki redno vodijo po kvaliteti v njihovih žanrih. Navdušeni smo za sodelovanje z njimi na njihovih izdelkih, saj so založnik ki gleda na prihodnost in ima veliko uspeha v digitalnem prostoru.

Capcom je partner OnLive-a, počakati bo treba kaj to pomeni za njuno zvezo in ali namerava Capcom še vedno izdajati igre na OnLive-u. Prepričan sem da bi uporabniki OnLive-a zelo radi igrali Street Fighter IV ali Resident Evil 5. Mogoče bo Capcom sodeloval z obema stranema, ampak kljub temu se bitka med OnLive-om in Gaizillo razvnema, kot ilustrira ta SFIV slika.


Tuesday 5 July 2011

F.3.A.R. večigralska norost z razvijalci igre

Pripravi se na F.3.A.R. večigralsko norost. Pridružili se bodo razvijalci igre, pokaži jim kdo raztura. Dogodek se bo zgodil v sredo, 6. julija od 9:00 – 11:00 PM EDT.

Lahko poskušaš zastonj demo na OnLive-u  in boš videl če imaš rad igro.

OnLive je dodal GREED Black Border k PlayPack-u

Z dodatkom GREED Black Border-ja PlayPack zdaj šteje 65 iger.

V GREED Black Border-ju se boš ti kot igralec moral preboriti skozi mase žužkov, robotov, vesoljcev in veliko drugih sovražnikov med tem ko boš pobiral razne stvari in nabiral izkušnje in tako zviševal svojo stopnjo. Zgodba GREED-a se dogaja v odraslem sci-fi scenariju. V futurističnem univerzumu GREED-a  je odkritje možnosti medzvezdnega potovanja pripeljalo do nove dobe kolonizacije. Pet največjih kolonialnih moči se bori zaradi novega elementa imenovanega Ikarium, ki je bil odkrit pred kratkim in predstavlja redek vir neomejene energije. Ti se boš boril za svoje preživetje kot bivši član elitne vojaške enote, brez vednosti da bodo tvoja dejanja vplivala na usodo človeštva z dramatičnimi posledicani...

Greed Black Border podpira samo miško in tipkovnico. Igra ni ravno kronski dragulj, mogoče bo nekaterim kljub temu zabavna, tu je zastonj demo ki teče na OnLive-u.

Tu je trailer iz igre.

Monday 4 July 2011

Zastonj igra za PlayPack naročnike in eksplozivne akcijske ponudbe

OnLive že ima Indie-Pendence Day akcijske popuste in jih je nadgradil z promocijo za nove člane in promocijo za posrednike. Ampak to še ni vse.

Vsi naročniki PlayPack-a so upravičeni do zastonj igre po njihovi izbiri. Vsak ki se naroči na PlayPack do polnoči pacifiškega časa ponedeljka 4. julija je tudi upravičen do zastonj polnega PlayPass-a. Emaili ki vsebujejo kode za zastonj igre gredo ven naročnikom v torek 5. julija.

OnLive še vedno ni zaključil z akcijskimi ponudbami za 4. julij in ima eksplozivne akcijske ponudbe z igrami od THQ-ja, Konami-ja, Kalypsa in Atari-ja. Igre kot so Homefront, Darksiders, Batman Arkham Asylum, Ghostbusters, Red Faction Guerrilla, Just Cause 2 in MX vs ATV Reflex so znižane do 50%.

OnLive nadgradi njihovo Indie-Pendence Day akcijsko ponudbo

Nezadovoljen s svojo Indie-Pendence Day akcijsko ponudbo OnLive naznanja, da so novi člani ki se prijavijo zastonj do 4. julija ob 11:59 PM PT, upravičeni do znižane cene 50% za svoj prvi nakup igre. Promocijska koda za to je NEWMEMBER50.

Tu je tudi posredniška koda za tiste ki posredujejo prijatelja, koda je 4JULY30. Ta koda se lahko uporabi od vsakega onlive člana. Ta koda poteče na Dan Neodvisnosti.

Promo kode so uporabne samo za igre ki niso v akcijski ponudbi.

Več informacij @OnLiveFans.

Steve Perlman vihti moč DIDO

V galaksiji daleč, daleč stran...

Jedi Steve Perlman je pridobil dostop do višjega nivoja energije ki emanira iz svetle strani sile. S tole na novo pridobljeno močjo ki se jo je naučil zamojstrovati zadnjih 10 let, bo sposoben ščititi republiko pred silami temne strani.

Sile temne strani pridobivajo na moči, kancler Gaizilla in njegov nezvest kompanjon darth Judež hočeta ubiti republiko. Hočeta ustanoviti imperij namesto republike in okronati kanclerja Gaizillo za imperatorja. Seveda ima darth Judež svoje načrte.

Med tem časom jedi Steve trdo trenira s svojim svetlobnim mečem in mu dodaja moč DI[ ]DO. Svoj DI[ ]DO vihti mogočno in uči druge kako uporabljati moč DI[ ]DO.

Radoveden sem kaj bo prinesla naslednja epizoda te bitke galaktičnih proporcij.

Upam da je bilo to fiktivno delo vsaj malo zabavno in prinaša barvo v dolgočasne bitke korporacij. OnLive direktor Steve Perlman prav gotovo mora imeti humor, zakaj bi drugače poimenoval svoje kreacije DI[ ]DORearden(Steel) in OnLive.

Akcijski popusti OnLive-a za Dan Neodvisnosti

Ali kot jih OnLive imenuje, OnLive Indie-Pendence Day akcijski popusti. Popusti vključujejo veliko indie hitov kot so Braid, Amnesia, World of Goo in Defense Grid Gold za noro znižane cene do 75%. Popusti so na voljo do četrtega julija.

Torej, zgrabi jih.


Je OnLiveov Steve Perlman odkril sveti gral brezžične tehnologije?

Torej, OnLive ustanovitelj in direktor Steve Perlman uradno imenuje njegovo neverjetno novo brezžično tehnologijo DIDO => Distributirana-Input-Distributirana-Output tehnologija.

‘Slika je vredna tisoč besed’….ali kako že gre rek. Torej, tu je slika ki ilustrira delovanje DIDO tehnologije.

Ta članek je povzet po Wired spletni strani in je v angleščini:

Imagine if every mobile device had its own personal fat-pipe ethernet connection — without the CAT5 cable. That’s how Steve Perlman — inventor, entrepreneur, and CEO and founder of OnLive, the games-on-demand system — explains distributed-input-distributed-output (DIDO) technology, an experimental wireless communications system that could render cellular connections obsolete.

If a cell tower today broadcasts on channels that have a capacity of 100 megabits of bandwidth per second, and 100 people connect to that cell tower and share bandwidth equally, each person’s connection will measure roughly one megabit per second. If 1,000 people connect, each will get 100k bits per second. With DIDO wireless signals, everyone within range would get the entirety of the channel.

“I know that sounds impossible,” says Perlman, “but literally if you have a cell that has 100 megabits per second worth of bandwidth in it and you have 100 people, each person gets 100 megabits a second. It’s really pretty amazing; you don’t interfere with anybody else.” caught up with Perlman at the after-conference reception at NExTWORK when he began to describe his quest. There were cocktails — and we had other reasons to be skeptical of what we were hearing since it seemed to defy the laws of physics. But here’s the intriguing pitch he elaborated upon when we sat down with him for an hour or so a few days later.

Amateur radio licenses in hand, Perlman and his team at another of his startups, Rearden Companies, invented completely new radio technology, which he claims is simpler and cheaper than the innards of modern cell phones. DIDO’s feature list almost sounds too good to be true:
  • Its “unlimited bandwidth” will eliminate dead zones and dropped calls, even in an urban jungle like New York City.
  • The signals will pass through solid objects that block cellular signals at the same frequency and power.
  • It doesn’t need tall cell towers — just modest base stations the size of an internet router.
  • Those access points will broadcast a signal over a mile, while outdoor antennas can reach 30 miles or more in every direction — beyond the curvature of the earth, brags Perlman. Theoretically, that number will rise to 250 miles once Rearden’s engineers have time to test the tech at a longer range.
Naturally, this didn’t happen overnight — DIDO has been in the works for about 10 years. Everybody wins in this scenario — except perhaps current wireless providers, who, capitalizing on the “scarcity” of wireless bandwith, are all moving to tiered pricing models and only slowly rolling out 4G networks and depending on their data business to make up for their commoditized calling-plan business.

And then there is that whole pesky science thing.

In 1948, mathematician Claude Shannon formulated the concept of channel capacity. Shannon’s Law, as it became known, states that the maximum rate at which error-free data can be transmitted is a function of the bandwidth and the signal-to-noise ratio. No communications system has surpassed Shannon’s theoretical speed limit — until now, asserts Perlman. He says Rearden engineers presently run DIDO connections at 10 times the limit, know they can achieve 100 times the limit, and are optimistic they can push it to 1,000 times faster or more. It’s easily fast enough to run OnLive, the video game, and soon computing, streaming service that operates in the cloud.

“Everyone we called — you know, like professors and Ph.D students — were like, ‘You’re crazy, this’ll never work, we all know that wireless doesn’t work that way.’” says Perlman. “We had another person to whom I said, ‘Look, everyone’s been telling me this can’t possibly work. I just need to know why.’”

Tired of rejection without explanation, Perlman hired the researcher to disprove DIDO. He couldn’t. In fact, he discovered that not only had Perlman and his team at Rearden had done something that nobody else had thought of, but it worked remarkably well. “That was really the first time I got official confirmation that we were not rabidly insane,” laughed Perlman.

Some still doubt that Shannon’s theorem can be violated, given that it has been proved mathematically. “I think there is essentially no chance that there is a mistake there given that it is such a well-studied theorem,” says Kyle Cranmer, assistant professor of physics at New York University. “However, the assumptions that the theorem is based on may be violated, in which case it’s not applicable, not that it’s wrong.”

For others, overcoming Shannon’s Law is old news.

“Multiples of the Shannon limit have been achieved already using multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) technology … which is used in the latest WiFi (IEEE 802.11n) and 4G cellular wireless systems,” says Shivendra Panwar, electrical engineering professor at NYU Polytechnical Institute. “Of course, further innovation in this area is always possible. The multiples usually discussed, for practical cases, are like are like two, four or eight, not 10 or 100.”

Perlman hopes DIDO, which he has already patented, will be available to consumers in a few years time. In the long run, he envisions DIDO completely eliminating wired data connections altogether, bringing about a complete transition of computing to the cloud.

“I am as confident that [DIDO] is going to revolutionize communications as I’ve ever been confident in anything I’ve ever designed in my career,” says Perlman. “That doesn’t mean I’m right, but for example I was far less confident that OnLive or MOVA were going to work, and here we are.”

VIR: Wired.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Patent ki stoji za neverjetno novo brezžično tehnologijo direktorja OnLive-a Steve-a Perlman-a

Steve Perlman je imel prav, ko je govoril o tem da je treba vprašati pravilna vprašanja. Način kako ta neverjetna nova brezžična tehnologija deluje je da aktivno izniči interferenco na transmiterju, namesto da samo maksimira prejeti signal, je kreativen nov način pogleda na utilizacijo kanalov.

Je oblika prostorskega multipleksinga, z dodatno matematiko na vrhu. Izpeljejo množico koeficientov ki opisujejo kanal od vsakega transmiterja do vsakega sprejemnika. Potem pa nastavijo vrednosti kanalov v matrici tako da ciljajo nule v prenosu za določen kanal proti sprejemnikom ki ga nočejo sprejeti.

To omogoča oddajanje več signalov tistim ki jih potrebujejo, in preprečuje oddajanja signalov tistim ki jih ne potrebujejo. To deluje z mnogimi transmiterji, do mnogih sprejemnikov, vse to hkrati, in medtem se matrica koeficientov posodablja.

Kapaciteta kanala je proporcionalna razmerju Signal/Šum. Če je posamezen prenesen signal 20 db nad šumom, in lahko znižaš nivo interference pod to vrednost, bi lahko dobil 100-kratno pasovno širino za določen sistem in ta tehnologija zmore prav to.

OnLive ustanovitelj in direktor Steve Perlman uradno imenuje njegovo neverjetno novo brezžično tehnologijo DIDO => Distributirana-Input-Distributirana-Output tehnologija.

Tu je povezava do patenta, uživaj v čitanju.

Rearden namerava ustanoviti podjetje temelječo na njihovi revolucionarni brezžični tehnologiji

Kot sledeči članek članku o Reardenovi neverjetni novi brezžični tehnologiji predstavljam te informacije o Reardenovih načrtih ustanoviti podjetje ki bo delalo na razvoju te tehnologije.

To je izsek iz Reardenove strani za zaposlitve v angleščini:

Seeking Top Talent for Ground-floor Startup Developing Revolutionary Wireless Technology
Ground-floor startup forming a top-tier development team to take a revolutionary wireless technology currently working in the lab and productize it for practical deployment as a mass-market wireless system. The technology is a radical approach to wireless, achieving performance orders of magnitude beyond conventional systems (for real), and has the potential to utterly transform wireless communications throughout the world.
The technology is the result of many years of research and refinement, incubated by Rearden Labs (, noted for incubating game-changing technologies and seed-funding disruptive startups such as OnLive (, MOVA (, Android ( Danger (, and Moxi (
Seeking out-of-the-box thinkers able to change their preconceptions about what is possible with wireless, but who also have a solid understanding of existing wireless technology, and are practical "do what it takes" developers, able to overcome challenges large and small. Looking for team players highly motivated by creating something new and revolutionary, and also excited about the opportunity of being part of a new company as it spins out from incubation.

Saturday 2 July 2011

Gaikai-u rastejo jajca

Godzilli, oops mislim Gaikai-u, recimo Gaizilli rastejo jajca. Predstavljaj si Godzillo z velikimi kosmatimi jajci, Gaizilla.

S pomočjo Judeževega imperija in temne strani sile:

gaizilla pridobiva na moči.

Kot že vemo se Gaizilla rada pari, med drugimi so v postelji z Akamaiem in Limelightom, in sebe vidijo kot omrežje za distribucijo. Ko če bo Gaikai dosegel dogovor z Microsoftom, Sonyem, Nintendom ali z vsemi tremi da bo del njihovih prihodnjih konzol, bodisi ob izidu ali pozneje, to je velika stvar. Gaikaieva strategija je da so sila za temi storitvami, na drugi strani ima OnLive imidž kot nasprotnik konzol, ta imidž ima onlive delno zaradi Gaizillinega PR-a.

Tako ima Gaizilla prednost za sklenitev posla z konzolnimi proizvajalci in konzolni proizvajalci začnejo jemati oblak resno. Na primer, če Gaikai dela mogoče celo na Xbox-u 360, Microsoft ne rabi reči da njihove igre v oblaku delajo prek gaikai-a, lahko rečejo da so oni zgradili te igre za oblak in to je naša cool nova storitev.

Ni presentljivo da se OnLive pogovarja s proizvajalci konzol, vidijo kaj gaikai poskuša, če ne bodo reagirali bodo mogoče poteptani s čistimi številkami.

Gaizilla ne cilja neposredno na ljudi, gredo za velikimi korporacijami, denarjem. Njihovi cilji so veliki konzolni proizvajalci, Facebook, Google, velike filmske družbe in druge družbe v zabavni industriji, Walmart in drugi prodajalci zabavnih izdelkov.

Velike entitete zabave bi lahko videle v Gaikai-u pot kako priti v tržišče iger in to na velik način. Imajo denar in lahko plačajo gaikai-u strežniško infrastrukturo.

Gaizilla tudi ni pozabila svojih dni metalca blata in še vedno rada meče blato.

OnLive je v torek izdal Homefront Large-Scale Warfare večigralstvo za PlayPack

OnLive je v torek izdal kar imenuje Homefront Large-Scale Warfare večigralstvo, z drugimi besedami Homefront večigralstvo, za PlayPack. S tem je število iger v PlayPacku naraslo na 64.

OnLive je igro izdal ob istem času kot je izšla na konzolah in PC-ju in postala je njihova najuspešnejša doslej, Homefront večigralstvo pa je bilo najpopularnejšo na onlive-u. Ob izidu za onlive igra ni imela namenskih strežnikov, 32-igralsko večigralstvo in je imela druge probleme ki so mučili konzole in PC-je. Torej, to je bilo zdaj vse popravljeno in z izidom Homefront večigralstva za PlayPack je postalo Homefront večigralstvo še bolj popularno.

Ob vključitvi Homefront večigralstva v PlayPack je onlive organiziral Homefront Large-Scale Warfare Occupation of OnLive tekmovanje v petek, 1. julija, 2011 od 3:00PM do 4:59PM PDT. Vsak ki si je lastil PlayPass, je bil naročnik PlayPack-a ali je igral zastonj demo v tem času je lahko dobil nagrade če je igral večigralski del igre. Nagrade so vključevale headset, daljinsko voden zračni dron, OnLive Game Kontoler in polne PlayPass-e.

Poleg izida Homefront večigralstva v PlayPack-u, je sedaj tudi na voljo zastonj demo za Homefront, ki je kot sem omenil prej dal možnost sodelovanja v Homefront večigralskem tekmovanju.

Tu je video Homefront večigralskega načina na onlive-u.

Nesveta Trojica

Nesveta Trojica, trije največji sovražniki OnLive-a, ki so EA, Gaikai in Eurogamer. Šel bom v podrobnosti o vseh treh.

1. Judež. Ja, to si ti EA. Torej, EA je bil pomemben del onlive bete z igrami kot Crysis, Mirror's Edge in Burnout Paradise. EA je bil tudi največji založniški partner pri onliveovem zagonu na E3 2010 z igrama Dragon Age in Mass Effect 2. Potem je naenkrat bil oznanjen posel Judeža in moje številke dva na tej listi in vse Judeževe igre so izginile iz onlive storitve, ob jezi veliko uporabnikov onlivea ki so komaj čakali da lahko igrajo EA-jeve velike igre. Judež je še vedno na onliveovi partnerski strani, kar je od njega pričakovano. Judež hoče kopulirati z Gaikaiem in si ga podrediti. Od začetka svoje eksistence je Judež hotel vse podrediti, a zadnje čase je drugi začel razburjati igralce, zato se je Judež odločil biti prijazen kot mu spet pritiče. Toda, ko Judežu spet rastejo jajca, spet zapada v svoje stare navade, stare navade umirajo težko.

To je Judežev direktor John Riccitiello v uniformi ki mu ustreza.

2. Metalec blata. Ja, tebe mislim Gaikai. Naš metalec blata rad meče blato na onlive. Poleg tega se rad pari z mnogimi partnerji, kar Judežu ne ustreza, ampak to kljub temu tolerira, zdaj že veste kar pride, ker stare navade umirajo težko. Naš metalec blata se je nedavno paril s številko tri z moje liste.

To je Gaikai-ev direktor Shiny Entertainment slave, Dave Perry. Njegov nasmeh pove vse.

3. Hinavec. Ja, zakaj se skrivaš, stopi naprej Eurogamer. Najprej naš hinavec govori da je nemogoče da bi onlive deloval, potem pravi da če če igre v oblaku pridejo od našega metalca blata mora delovati in zdaj se je naenkrat sparil z navedenim metalcem blata.

In nazadnje, Eurogamerjev najbolj glasen član, Richard Leadbetter. Ali res potrebujem besede.

Torej, ali niso srečna družina.

Že dolgo časa sem naklonjen L'Inq-u in njihovemu hudomušnemu stilu. Torej, kdor čita ta članek ga naj ne jemlje pretirano resno, ampak, kdo ve.

Druge dobre OnLive strani

Najprej je seveda sam OnLive. Tam se lahko prijaviš zastonj, dobiš druge uradne informacije o storitvi in dobiš podporo za probleme povezane z onlive.

Druga v redu stran je OnLiveFans forum. To je največji onlive forum na netu, navadno je tam veliko prijaznih ljudi. Tam lahko najdeš pomoč za svoje onlive probleme in razpravljaš o stvareh povezanih z onliveom in drugih stvareh.

OnLivePortal je super novičarska stran za onlive teme. Imajo veliko videov in pokrivajo razne onlive prezentacije na raznih prireditvah. Mark Gutierrez od onliveportala je entuzijastičen in to se tudi vidi v njegovem delu.

OnLive Informer ima navadno up-to-date novice o vsem povezanim z onliveom in drugih temah povezanih z onliveom.

OnLive vabi Sony in Microsoft k sodelovanju

Da, prav čitaš. OnLive se pogovarja s proizvajalci konzol da bi vključili njihovo storitev na konzole. Tu je izsek iz članka v angleščini:
When we asked OnLive VP of Engineering Joe Bentley if the company could see its service working with Microsoft and Sony's systems in future - rather than just bypassing them - he said:

"Absolutely, they would make great consoles. Our controller is a hybrid between a PS3 controller and an Xbox controller. It's all compatible, it would just work. There are OnLive guys chatting [Sony and MS], but we'll see where it goes. But it would absolutely work, we're ready to work with everybody.

He added: "What people are realising and waking up to is everything could be a console, why shouldn't you be able to take your game everywhere. I think the timing of this is perfect. When I joined the company I didn't think it was going to pan out this way.
Več si lahko prebereš na CVG.

Steve Perlman razkril neverjetno novo brezžično tehnologijo

To je video OnLive direktorja Steve-a Perlman-a ki govori kot absolvent inžinirske šole Columbia. Govori o tem kako je nastala Mova CONTOUR, kako onlive in o načrtih za računalnike v oblaku. Najzanimivejši del pa pride proti koncu, kjer Steve razkrije neverjetno novo brezžično tehnologijo, ki se razvija v Rearden Companies inkubatorju. Steve pravi da ima ta nova brezžična tehnologija latenco manj kot milisekunda do dveh milj oddaljenosti, dve milisekundi latence na razdalji 30 milj in možen doseg do 250 milj. Ta tehnologija tudi ne potrebuje baznih postaj, ne bazira na trenutni brezžični tehnologiji in omogoča poceni radije in antene. Njegova razlaga kako to deluje je, večje število radijev lahko deluje na isti frekvenci in vsak uporabnik ima okoli svojega telefona majhni elektro-magnetni mehur, ki ga lahko ti radiji neposredno naslavljajo na isti frekvenci. Klasične brezžične antene bi sprejele samo šum, če bi skušale razbrati te signale.

To je nekaj velikega. Pri Reardenu delajo pametni in out-of-the-box misleči ljudje.

Rearden v bistvu poskuša omogočiti uporabo onlive storitve na brezžičnih omrežjih, kot izgleda Rearden razvija komplementarne tehnologije kot so Mova Contour, onlive in zdaj ta nova brezžična tehnologija.

OnLive ustanovitelj in direktor Steve Perlman uradno imenuje svojo neverjetno novo brezžično tehnologijo DIDO => Distributirana-Input-Distributirana-Output tehnologija.

Več informacij o patentu za to neverjetno novo brezžično tehnologijo je tukaj in Rearden že namerava ustanoviti podjetje ki bazira na tej neverjetni novi brezžični tehnologiji.

Steve je zanimiv govornik in tisti del videa v katerem govori o novi brezžični tehnologiji se začne proti koncu videa. Video je dolg, ampak postaja bolj zanimiv z minute v minuto, tega videa ne smeš zamuditi.